Congratulations on your new penguin friend!
We are a family of penguin lovers (more about us here), and we or someone else thought you could use a penguin! We didn’t give you a penguin because you were sad, or because we wanted you to be happy — we sent you one because everyone should have a friend they can count on, and here’s one!
They’re fantastic for hugging, calming you down, talking to or just plain having with you on adventures. As one of our biggest pengin supporters, “Bmanda,” says:
Hug me when you’re happy
Whisper when you’re sad
Squeeze really tight
When you’re very, very mad
Tell me all your worries
And I’ll help them go away
Once they’re out, they’re out
And you’ll have a better day…
Squeeze me!!
Here are the first things you must do:
- Cut the tags off your penguin (this is how they know they’re part of the family)
- Name your penguin.
- Hug your penguin.
Penguins are great at:
- Standing on their heads
- Making you feel better
- Finding things to do
- Penguin charades (they’re not big talkers)
Get to know your penguin! Each penguin has its own personality — some are friendly, some are shy, some are constantly waiting for you to remark on their fine hats (to which they will reply with an enthusiastic “Thank youuuuu!!!”). What’s your friend like?
Special note: You may see that we refer to our friends as pengins rather than penguins in a lot of cases. We think it sounds so much friendlier – like a part of the family. Try it. Say “pengin!”
You also may have noticed that your pengin is not a pengin at all, but a different kind of friend. That happens sometimes! If we don’t have a pengin handy, we sometimes will deputize a different kind of friend (bear, yeti, owl, etc.) to act in their stead. Don’t worry, we promise that these honorary pengins are right fine, just as much as our regular pengins.
If you’d like, let us know what your new friend’s name is or send us a photo of your new friend! We can be found on Instagram or Facebook.
We hope your enjoy your new friend!